If you find that you’re nostalgic–or if you’re feeling blue for the candy coloured fun of the 80s…It’s never too late to colour your dreams.
I was dreaming of a late sixties look with North African Liner shapes. Combined with some fun colours for a glamourous and inventive look by
关于索菲亚·罗兰(Sophia Loren)你能说些什么?她是意大利“梦露”,但更多……意大利风采。我听了很多电影配乐,我爱上了恩尼奥·莫里科内(Ennio Morricone)的配乐。我的灵感来自于她的“牛仔态度”,就是如此的直接。各位,这个女人简直可以征服世界。自拍经过处理以去除痤疮疤痕。